Julia Shea

Julia Shea is a recent graduate of Harvard College who doesn't like writing bios, likes food, and is interested in the power of writing to change the world. Twitter

PizzaHacker: The Art Of Engineering a Pizza

While in Italy, Jeff Krupman stopped at the pizzeria shown in the movie Eat Pray Love: L’Antica da Michele. “It changed my perspective on pizza,” Jeff said. “It brought you to your knees.” All they did — and still do — was three pizzas: the Marinara, the Margherita, and the Bianca…

Blue Plate: Social Hub Gone Takeout Business

When Jeff Trenam was a college student at Berkeley in the early nineties, he was studying botany and on the road to becoming a landscape architect. Yet, in the back of his mind, he felt the municipal work he was heading toward “seemed really soul-sucking.” “I was young and enthusiastic and dreamed of a little more self-expression,” Jeff said, “not just waiting for retirement…”